Cloud DNS

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* Do you know what BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is?

Suggested article: Understanding BGP: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

BGP, or Border Gateway Protocol, is like the Internet's postal service, ensuring data finds the most efficient path between different networks. It plays a critical role in how data travels across the web by managing the routing between networks known as Autonomous Systems (AS). An AS is a collection of IP networks under a single organisation, and BGP allows these systems to communicate, making the Internet functional and scalable.

BGP's importance lies in its ability to prevent routing loops, provide redundancy, and support Internet scalability by aggregating IP prefixes, which simplifies global routing.

There are two main types of BGP: External BGP (eBGP) and Internal BGP (iBGP).

  • eBGP is used to route traffic between different Autonomous Systems, such as between two Internet Service Providers.
  • Meanwhile, iBGP operates within a single AS, ensuring consistent routing policies across all routers in that network.

Together, these BGP types help maintain the seamless flow of data across the global Internet.

If you are curious to know more about this topic, we suggest reading more details about BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)!